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Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To

Pronex® Pneumatic Traction Pronex® Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To 18 (41 To 46Cm) Each Item No.: Nc92370-2 Category:Physical Therapy, Sub Category:Modalities, Subcategory:Traction, Type:Pronex® PneumaPronex® Pneumatic Traction

Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To


Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To 18 (41 To 46Cm) Each Item No.: Nc92370-2 Category:Physical Therapy, Sub Category:Modalities, Subcategory:Traction, Type:Pronex� Pneumatic Traction

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Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Easy to use cervical traction treatment in the comfort of one's home.

The user-friendly Pronex� Pneumatic Traction device comfortably supports the head and the natural curve of the cervical spine.
Exerts force evenly and gently without aggravating the temporomandibular joint.
Head and neck are cradled on two soft foam cushions when reclined. One cushion supports the occiput and the other rests against the upper trapezius.
An air-inflated bellows between the cushions provides up to 35 lbs. (16kg) of continuously adjustable traction. As the bellow expands, it lifts the head upward, supporting the cervical curve and maintaining an even distraction in the anterior and posterior cervical discs.
Lateral neck flexion of 15� to 25� can be obtained by utilizing chin tuck protocol.
User controls the amount of traction applied by squeezing an inflator bulb to increase pressure, and using a knob to gently release traction.
Includes lightweight carrying case, head strap and operation manual, and flexion wedge.
One-year manufacturer's warranty.
To size, measure neck circumference.
No assembly required.
Instructional Video Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Large 16" to 18" (41 to 46cm) Each Item No.:NC92370-2 Category:Physical Therapy, SUB CATEGORY:Modalities, SUBCATEGORY:Traction, TYPE:Pronex� Pneumatic Traction

Pronex® Pneumatic Traction Pronex® Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To 18 (41 To 46Cm) Each Item No.: Nc92370-2 Category:Physical Therapy, Sub Category:Modalities, Subcategory:Traction, Type:Pronex® Pneuma
Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneum
Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Pronex� Pneumatic Traction Large 16 To 18 (41 To 46Cm) Each Item No.: Nc92370-2 Category:Physical Therapy, Sub Category:Modalities, Subcategory:Traction, Type:Pronex� Pneuma

Pronex® Pneumatic Traction
Pronex� Pneumatic Traction